Trial Sites
What should I do if I want my child to be considered for the TRIUMPH trial?
Link to the 20 medical centers listed below and ask your doctors if it would be possible for your child to be transferred to one of those centers to be evaluated as a candidate for the trial. Once you connect with a TRIUMPH trial site, the TRIUMPH team will guide you through the rest.
Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine
225 East Chicago Avenue, Box. 65
Chicago, IL 60611-2605
Principal Investigator
Catherine A. Chapin, MD
Phone: (312) 227-5511
Fax: (312) 227-9645
Email: cchapin@luriechildrens.org
Benioff Children’s Hospital, University of California San Francisco
550 16th Street
4th Floor, Mail Code 0136
San Francisco, CA 94158
Principal Investigator
Philip Rosenthal, MD
Phone: (415) 476-5892
Fax: (415) 476-1373
Email: prosenth@ucsf.edu
Boston Children’s Hospital
Division of Gastroenterology,
Hepatology and Nutrition Center for Childhood Liver Disease
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115
Principal Investigator
Scott Elisofon, MD
Phone: (617) 355-5837
Fax: (617) 730-0716
Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta
Emory University School of Medicine
2015 Uppergate Drive NE
Atlanta, GA 30322-1015
Principal Investigator
Rene Romero, MD
Phone: (404) 785-1832
Fax: (404) 785-9183
Email: rromero@emory.edu
Children’s Hospital Colorado
13123 E 16th Ave,
Aurora, CO 80045, USA
Principal Investigator
Shikha S. Sundaram, MD, MSCI, FAASLD
Phone: (720) 777-6669
Fax: (720) 777-7277
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, University of Southern California
4650 Sunset Boulevard, #78
Los Angeles, CA 90027
Principal Investigator
Beth Carter, MD
Phone: (323) 361-5454
Fax: (323) 361-3612
Email: becarter@chla.usc.edu
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
3615 Civic Center Boulevard
Abramson Research Center 902B
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4318
Principal Investigator
Kathleen M. Loomes, MD
Phone: (267) 426-7223
Fax: (267) 426-7814
Email: loomes@email.chop.edu
Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
One Children’s Hospital Drive
4401 Penn Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15224
Principal Investigator
James E. Squires, MD, MS
Phone: (412) 692-5180
Fax: (412) 692-7355
Email: james.squires2@chp.edu
Children’s Mercy Kansas City
University of Missouri Kansas City
2401 Gillham Road
Kansas City, MO 64108
Principal Investigator
Ryan Fischer, MD
Phone: (816) 302-3410
Fax: (816) 302-9725
Email: rtfischer@cmh.edu
Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center
MLC 2010
3333 Burnet Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Principal Investigator
Anna Peters, MD
Phone: (319) 321-9720
Fax: (513) 636-7805
Email: Anna.Peters@cchmc.org
Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital At Stanford University Medical Center
750 Welch Road
Suite 116, MC 5731
Palo Alto, CA 94304
Principal Investigator
Amrita Narang, MD
Phone: (650) 723-5070
Fax: (650) 498-5607
Email: anarang@stanford.edu
Mount Sinai Recanati/Miller Transplantation Institute
Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
The Mount Sinai Medical Center
One Gustave L. Levy Place, Box 1104
New York, NY 10029
Principal Investigator
Jaime Chu, MD
Phone: (212) 659-8060
Fax: (212) 241-2064
Research: (212) 241-0227
Email: Jaime.chu@mssm.edu
Primary Children’s Hospital
81 North Mario Capecchi Drive
Salt Lake City, UT 84112
Principal Investigator
Kyle Jensen, MD
Phone: (801) 213-3599
Fax: (801) 587-7539
Email: kyle.jensen@hsc.utah.edu
Riley Hospital for Children
705 Riley Hospital Drive, ROC 4210
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Principal Investigator
Kyla Tolliver, MD
Phone: (317) 944-3774
Fax: (317) 944-8521
Email: kmtolliv@iu.edu
St. Louis Children’s Hospital
Washington University School of Medicine
660 South Euclid Avenue, Box 8116
St. Louis, Missouri 63110
Principal Investigator
David Rudnick, MD, PhD
Phone: (314) 286-2832
Email: rudnick_d@wustl.edu
Seattle Children’s Hospital
University of Washington
4800 Sand Point Way NE
Seattle, WA 98105
Principal Investigator
Pamela Valentino, MD
Phone: (206) 987-2521
Fax: (206) 987-2721
Email: pamela.valentino@seattlechildrens.org
Texas Children’s Hospital / Baylor College of Medicine
6701 Fannin St
Houston, TX 77030, USA
Principal Investigator
Anna M. Banc-Husu, MD, MSCI
Phone: (832) 822-3131
Email: TRIUMPHStudy@bcm.edu
UT Southwestern Medical Center Children’s Health
1935 Medical District Drive, Mailstop F4.06
Dallas, TX 75235
Principal Investigator
Norberto Rodriguez-Baez, MD
Phone: (214) 456-7436
Fax: (214) 456-8006
Yale New Haven Children's Hospital
20 York Street
New Haven, CT 06510
Principal Investigator
Rima Fawaz, MD
Phone: (203) 785-4649
Email: rima.fawaz@yale.edu
NYP Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital – Columbia University
Center for Liver Disease and Transplantation
622 W. 168th St.
New York, NY 10032
Principal Investigator
Steven Lobritto, MD
Phone: (212) 305-3000
Fax: 212-342-2996
Email: sjl12@cumc.columbia.edu
Cleveland Clinic Children's
9500 Euclid Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44195
Principal Investigator
Mike Leonis, MD, PhD
Phone: (216) 444-5437
Email: LEONISM@ccf.org